1. Where did you get the curriculum for Patriot Camp? Our core committee got together, brainstormed, chose themes and topics, and researched and developed the curriculum ourselves. The curriculum for Patriot Camp 2010 is available for you to use. Please email Deb Seneca at dseneca@kiix.com.
2. How much do you charge the campers for Patriot Camp? Nothing. Patriot Camp has been free to all campers since our first year in 2010. Our volunteers donated most of the materials and snacks and we were able to get a few donations from parents, and local businesses and organizations to help offset costs. Big thanks to Paxtang Borough, the Paxtang-Lenker Manor Women's Club, and the Paxtang Lions Club who have donated to our camp each year!
3. How many kids attended your camp? In 2010, we registered 70 kids and then had to turn away a few because we had planned for a maximum of 60 kids! In 2011, we increased our max to 80 and ended up with 85, turning away over 2 dozen kids! The following year, we hosted 2 separate camps to allow more kids and to bring the individual camp numbers down. Since 2012 we have closed registration at or just over 60 kids. In 2013 we added a middle school program that was limited to 20 kids due to space and volunteers. Those numbers have increased to 40 middle school kids in 2018. Many kids who have gone through the program return each year to help as volunteers. Registration has always filled fast and the kids and parents love the program.